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Iman S

Iman S updated the status of The Anti-Idling Initiative
Had my article on the anti-idling initiative published on the Glebe Report. Stay tuned for more updates! #generationsdg
February 12, 2021 at 01:59PM
Iman S updated the status of The Anti-Idling Initiative
Recently engaged with parent councils, members of Ottawa community associations, and even employees in the municipal government. We had great discussions and exchanged plenty of ideas on how to reduce idling in our city. I am currently working with my team to see how we can bring ideas from the community into fruition and leverage existing resources. Stay tuned for more updates! #generationsdg
January 27, 2021 at 11:17AM
Iman S updated the status of The Anti-Idling Initiative
I am still at the conception phase, but I changed my initiative to help address idling in the City of Ottawa! Since there is a lack of signage discouraging idling across the city, I hope to develop an initiative that will raise awareness about the environmental and health effects of idling and inspire sustainable action on an individual and community level. #generationsdg
November 14, 2020 at 12:30PM
Iman S updated the status of The Anti-Idling Initiative
I am still at the conception phase! Currently, I am in the process of interviewing more community members to get a better sense of how they want food insecurity to be addressed. While I have a few options in mind (i.e. new community garden, fostering partnerships with local businesses), I hope I can get a better insight as to what members of my community think is the best way to address this issue.
September 27, 2020 at 12:52PM
Iman S updated the status of The Anti-Idling Initiative
Still at conception phase. In the process of interviewing more community members to get a better sense of how they want this issue to be addressed.
September 27, 2020 at 10:54AM
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My name is Iman and I am a youth residing in the City of Ottawa. I am passionate about environmental sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint. I am currently working on an initiative to address idling in my city. If you're interested in getting involved, please reach me at: isatt041...

Hours worked on SDGs