Wed Nov 23 21:48:03 +0000 2022
Tue Nov 15 20:29:41 +0000 2022
View this post on Instagram 🔊 Good news! The deadline to become a Communty Liaison in #cornwall and #kemptville has been extended until June 12. Support #generationsdg by sharing with friends and families located in those focus cities so we can ensure a broad reach to diverse youth & communities. Apply @ A post shared by UN Association In Canada (@unacanada) on June 08 2020
🔊 Good news! The deadline to become a Communty Liaison in #cornwall and #kemptville has been extended until June 12. Support #generationsdg by sharing with friends and families located in those focus cities so we can ensure a broad reach to diverse youth & communities. Apply @
A post shared by UN Association In Canada (@unacanada) on June 08 2020
View this post on Instagram Make sure to check out our #igstory today! There are many helpful tips to help you through this time and some great polls we hope you'll participate in! Today #sdgambassadors Brooke, Awo and Mary are in charge! We want to make staying at home and social distancing easier for you with our amazing tips! Feel free to screenshot, or share to help your friends and family as well!#sdg3•••Assurez-vous de consulter notre Instagram story aujourd'hui. Il y a plusieurs conseilles, qui vous serons d'une grande aide pendant ces temps et en prévois quelques sondages auxquels nous espérons votre participation. Aujourd'hui #SDGambassadrices Brooke Awo et Mary sony aux commandes! Nous aimerions vous faciliter la vie avec les conseilles que nous offrons aujourd'hui! N'hésitez pas à prendre des captures d'écrans ou partager avec vos proches at amis! #sdg3•••@bardish_chagger @leaderstoday @wfuna @sdgaction @cityofottawa@moncepeo@ottawacarletondsb@removethemask1 @a_happy_beginning @ottbreatheyoga •••#generationsdg#sdgs#explorepage A post shared by UN Association In Canada (@unacanada) on May 29 2020
Make sure to check out our #igstory today! There are many helpful tips to help you through this time and some great polls we hope you'll participate in! Today #sdgambassadors Brooke, Awo and Mary are in charge! We want to make staying at home and social distancing easier for you with our amazing tips! Feel free to screenshot, or share to help your friends and family as well!#sdg3•••Assurez-vous de consulter notre Instagram story aujourd'hui. Il y a plusieurs conseilles, qui vous serons d'une grande aide pendant ces temps et en prévois quelques sondages auxquels nous espérons votre participation. Aujourd'hui #SDGambassadrices Brooke Awo et Mary sony aux commandes! Nous aimerions vous faciliter la vie avec les conseilles que nous offrons aujourd'hui! N'hésitez pas à prendre des captures d'écrans ou partager avec vos proches at amis! #sdg3•••@bardish_chagger @leaderstoday @wfuna @sdgaction @cityofottawa@moncepeo@ottawacarletondsb@removethemask1 @a_happy_beginning @ottbreatheyoga •••#generationsdg#sdgs#explorepage
A post shared by UN Association In Canada (@unacanada) on May 29 2020