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Samantha El-G. updated the status of Promoting Composting in Gatineau Local Restaurants
I am currently working on identifying partners to work with and brainstorming ways to accomplish my project - whether it be an advocacy campaign, raising awareness or working with the city, as I know there are many obstacles in the way of restaurants that want to compost but are not well equipped to do so/ are lacking information on how to achieve this endeavour. View Initiative
October 07, 2020 at 06:37PM
Shilpa Rao Picture Shilpa Rao Status Update
Shilpa Rao updated the status of The Three Pillar Challenge
Currently, I have a solid plan for my project and have started to build it as well. View Initiative
October 06, 2020 at 09:56AM
Sukanya Mukherjee updated the status of Mental Health Colour
Still in Discovery Phase. Stay tuned for updates. View Initiative
October 05, 2020 at 09:06PM
Audré-Ann Gravelle updated the status of Jékris
Conception View Initiative
October 05, 2020 at 09:32AM
Audré-Ann Gravelle updated the status of Jékris
October 05, 2020 at 09:27AM
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"There's Something In the Water" is a new documentary film directed by @ellenpage and @ianjamesdaniel based on the book of the same name by @waldroningrid that explores environmental racism in Nova Scotia. "There's Something In the Water" premieres at @tiff_net on September 8. ⠀⠀Dr. Waldron joined us at #GenerationSDG to discuss her Environmental Noxiousness, Racial Inequities & Community Health Project (ENRICH Project) - a collaborative multi-pronged, interdisciplinary, and intersectional approach to address environmental racism in Indigenous and African Nova Scotian communities.⠀⠀Links to TIFF's ticketing site and to Dr. Waldron's talk in bio.⠀⠀#tiff #worldpremiere #enviroracism #environmentalracism #nspoli

A post shared by UN Association In Canada (@unacanada) on

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What is the best way to achieve the SDGs?

"There shouldn’t be a timeline of when to stop, but 2030 isn’t the time to stop, it’s the time to re-evaluate."
"You can’t really make change with 4 words, you need everyone’s ideas!"
"Our generation is the missing piece to achieving the SDGs."
"We can't keep relying on others to begin the movement, the power is in our hands, we need to be the ones to start it."