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Jennifer Ong updated the status of Tutoring for Low Income Students
In progress View Initiative
November 14, 2020 at 12:11PM
Sophia Mirzayee updated the status of Mindfulness Revolution
Starting now View Initiative
November 14, 2020 at 12:10PM
Zoë Wind updated the status of Bytown Green
Website is soft launched, social media is being created and curated. Planning and researching potential partners, brainstorming content, and getting ready for a full launch. View Initiative
November 14, 2020 at 12:07PM
Mélissa Dusabe updated the status of Mental health initiative
Ambassadrice View Initiative
November 14, 2020 at 12:04PM
Karyl Diana Sihomnoue added a new image to their gallery.
November 14, 2020 at 12:01PM
Displaying results 96-100 (of 202)
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What is the best way to achieve the SDGs?

"There shouldn’t be a timeline of when to stop, but 2030 isn’t the time to stop, it’s the time to re-evaluate."
"You can’t really make change with 4 words, you need everyone’s ideas!"
"Our generation is the missing piece to achieving the SDGs."
"We can't keep relying on others to begin the movement, the power is in our hands, we need to be the ones to start it."