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Nadia Balashkevich updated the status of Future Meal
Finalizing website and looking for possible partnerships View Initiative
November 14, 2020 at 12:21PM
Samantha El-G. updated the status of Promoting Composting in Gatineau Local Restaurants
I am currently working on identifying partners to work with and brainstorming ways to accomplish my project - whether it be an advocacy campaign, raising awareness or working with the city, as I know there are many obstacles in the way of restaurants that want to compost but are not well equipped to do so/ are lacking information on how to achieve this endeavour. I have identified that I would like to center my project in a particular neighbourhood. Last summer, an organization put together a project I am interested in in the Aylmer region, I plan on reaching out to them to ask them some questions and potentially collaborate. View Initiative
November 14, 2020 at 12:21PM
Faiz Jan updated the status of Rideau Students' Union
Right now, I am working to gain some members for the union in order to get things done more effectively. Come December, we will be able to tackle more to do. Our plan for success composes of 3 steps; 1. Grow the Union 2. Create a Manifesto and a Primary Piece of Legislation 3. Reach out to the Municipal Legislature to see due process I currently have no group members, so if you want to join me, feel free to let me know. View Initiative
November 14, 2020 at 12:20PM
Estrella Asturias Marcel updated the status of Women's Bread and Butter
Right now I just finished creating my Gen SDG Project Canvas and had a workshop on how to bake bread. I'm also doing a bread journal to keep tract on my own experiences when baking. View Initiative
November 14, 2020 at 12:15PM
Carolyn Kane updated the status of Operation SKHC
We are currently reaching out to reaching out to different shelters and we are planning our course of actions. View Initiative
November 14, 2020 at 12:12PM
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What is the best way to achieve the SDGs?

"There shouldn’t be a timeline of when to stop, but 2030 isn’t the time to stop, it’s the time to re-evaluate."
"You can’t really make change with 4 words, you need everyone’s ideas!"
"Our generation is the missing piece to achieving the SDGs."
"We can't keep relying on others to begin the movement, the power is in our hands, we need to be the ones to start it."