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Sukanya Mukherjee updated the status of Mental Health Colour
Stay tuned for updates. View Initiative
November 14, 2020 at 01:03PM
Iman S updated the status of The Anti-Idling Initiative
I am still at the conception phase, but I changed my initiative to help address idling in the City of Ottawa! Since there is a lack of signage discouraging idling across the city, I hope to develop an initiative that will raise awareness about the environmental and health effects of idling and inspire sustainable action on an individual and community level. #generationsdg View Initiative
November 14, 2020 at 12:30PM
Eliza Batchelor updated the status of Hidden World Project
I have narrowed my focus down to increased communication, education and awareness of human trafficking. At this time I am in the midst of formalizing an awareness presentation for the Kemptville Youth Centre. I hope to be in further contact with my stakeholder at KYC soon and be capable of holding my first youth event in December. View Initiative
November 14, 2020 at 12:23PM
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What is the best way to achieve the SDGs?

"There shouldn’t be a timeline of when to stop, but 2030 isn’t the time to stop, it’s the time to re-evaluate."
"You can’t really make change with 4 words, you need everyone’s ideas!"
"Our generation is the missing piece to achieving the SDGs."
"We can't keep relying on others to begin the movement, the power is in our hands, we need to be the ones to start it."