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Mises à jour

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février 01, 2020 at 09:36
AriaM a mis à jour le statut de GEN SDG X SCHS
We are currently in the planning stages of what content and modules we will be providing to participants of the workshop. Our next target is to receive official permission from the school to hold this event. View Initiative
janvier 31, 2020 at 05:24
DeclanLM a mis à jour le statut de Waste Free Lunch Program
In December of 2019, the first Waste Free Challenge occurred at Brookfield High School. Out of a possible 600 students, only 6 partook in the challenge. After the first Waste Free Challenge did not go as well as hoped, I and a group of various people are trying hard to grow the project. We will do so by better advertising via social media, emailing and the students parents about the initiative, and explaining who I am and my cause. The next expected Waste Free Day is to take place on February 6 2020. The major goals for this initiative is to grow to around 50 participants and to possibly expand this program to other schools. View Initiative
janvier 28, 2020 at 01:15
Chaney S a mis à jour le statut de Teach Before You Preach
Currently I have talked to teachers and different students about my plans and i have surveyed teachers and staff to get their inputs. I have also surveyed different groups of students from different grades to see what their knowledge is around climate change. I plan on giving different types of presentations to different grades. I also plan on doing and assortment of activities to help promote change in wasteful habits and to help encourage students to make a difference both at school and at home. View Initiative
janvier 26, 2020 at 03:45
AutumnM a mis à jour le statut de A Walk To Remember
We are so excited to almost be done our final copy of A Walk To Remember! We couldn't be more excited -- in a matter of weeks, we will be testing our program at two local rural schools. We are busy preparing our initiative for the summit and working hard at creating engaging activities for youth to take action! View Initiative
janvier 25, 2020 at 02:24
Displaying results 146-150 (of 202)
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View this post on Instagram

This weekend I joined the Generation SDG team with @unacanada . The project has brought together almost 40 youth from Eastern Ontario to learn about the @unitednations Sustainable Development Goals and implement initiatives in their communities, throughout the year, that focus on achieving these goals. •Our youth have a burning desire for real change. Witnessing this in action is so inspiring and really does give me hope that things will be better for the next generation.•I am looking forward to continuing my work as a facilitator on this project in the fall and beginning development to deliver similar opportunities for francophone students in the area....#GenSDG #GenerationSDG #TeachSDGs #UN #GlobalEd #ThinkGlobalActLocal #OutdoorEd #Education #TeachersOfInstagram #EducatorsOfInstagram #Youth #InspiringYouth #Ottawa #Ontario #Canada

A post shared by UN Association In Canada (@unacanada) on

Displaying results 59-60 (of 106)
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Quel est le meilleur moyen d’atteindre les ODD ?

Saviez-vous que ?
Plus de la moitié des enfants non scolarisés vivent en Afrique subsaharienne
Voix des jeunes
" Je veux travailler sur l’égalité entre les sexes, parce qu’en théorie, le Canada fait très bien, mais si vous regardez sur le terrain, il y a encore beaucoup de travail à faire"
"Plus il y aura une grande sensibilisation faite par les gens, mieux nous aurons de chances de succès"
"Ce n’est pas en 2030 qu’il faudra s’arrêter pour rendre le monde meilleur, ce sera le moment de réévaluer."
"Les objectifs sont tous compatibles ; cela dépend de votre point de vue."