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Mises à jour

Faiz Jan a mis à jour le statut de Rideau Students' Union
The RSU is rapidly growing and is currently working towards passing 3 major policy proposals, including adjustments to the current Ontario Mathematics Curriculum, policy for Post-Pandemic Transition and policy studying the issue of mental health and Student Awareness of political issues. View Initiative
janvier 04, 2021 at 03:12
Kimberly Liang a mis à jour le statut de Operation Grocery Store
Currently in the ideation and development process. Have confirmed a group of teammates to work on the project! View Initiative
décembre 31, 2020 at 11:30
Michelle Choi a mis à jour le statut de Artiversal
Currently creating an online presence and emailing possible sponsors. View Initiative
décembre 30, 2020 at 11:21
Shown Tell Picture Shown Tell Blog
Shown Tell a créé un nouveau billet de blog.
décembre 18, 2020
Stand By Me
décembre 17, 2020 at 05:48
Zoë Wind a mis à jour le statut de Bytown Green
The website is up! We're at the fun stage now. I'm conducting interviews, writing content, and trying to grow my base. Go check out my latest post on green gifting ideas in Ottawa :) Current goal is 100 views/post. View Initiative
décembre 12, 2020 at 11:38
Displaying results 71-75 (of 202)
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Happy #InternationalWomensDay! Today and everyday, @unacanada works in support of all self-identifying women towards @UN #SDG5, achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls. As #globalcitizens it is our responsibility to challenge our own unconscious #bias. Join @unacanada in supporting self-identifying #women break barriers through programmes such as #GenSDG, #BuildingYoungEntrepreneurs, #CanadaGreenCorps, #GreenSpaces #IDDIP #NewDip #CanadaServiceCorps. 25 years after the #BeijingConference adopted @UN #SecurityCouncil Resolution 1325, #Women, #Peace and #Security, on the full participation of women, there is still an abundance of challenges, discrimination and bias self-identifying women face. #Together we MUST do better. @HDRUNDP’s new Gender Social Norms Index shows that almost 90% of people show bias against #women, holding at least one #bias against women in relation to #politics, #economics, #education, #violence or #reproductive rights. #CheckYourBias and join #GenerationEquality #sdgs

A post shared by UN Association In Canada (@unacanada) on

Displaying results 29-30 (of 106)
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Quel est le meilleur moyen d’atteindre les ODD ?

Saviez-vous que ?
Plus de la moitié des enfants non scolarisés vivent en Afrique subsaharienne
Voix des jeunes
" Je veux travailler sur l’égalité entre les sexes, parce qu’en théorie, le Canada fait très bien, mais si vous regardez sur le terrain, il y a encore beaucoup de travail à faire"
"Plus il y aura une grande sensibilisation faite par les gens, mieux nous aurons de chances de succès"
"Ce n’est pas en 2030 qu’il faudra s’arrêter pour rendre le monde meilleur, ce sera le moment de réévaluer."
"Les objectifs sont tous compatibles ; cela dépend de votre point de vue."