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Mises à jour

Sam B a mis à jour le statut de Immunize NOW
Discovery Phase. A plan is laid out, but how I will go about enacting that plan remains to be seen. You can see some of my current progress! Here's my website: I have begun uploading podcasts on vaccine science and hesitancy onto the website, and going forward I hope to upload some more podcasts in the coming weeks! View Initiative
janvier 28, 2021 at 04:41
Camille Asturias Marcel a mis à jour le statut de Fish Info SDG
Designing the visual aspect of the website, as well as organizing and classifying information. View Initiative
janvier 28, 2021 at 04:08
Iman S a mis à jour le statut de The Anti-Idling Initiative
Recently engaged with parent councils, members of Ottawa community associations, and even employees in the municipal government. We had great discussions and exchanged plenty of ideas on how to reduce idling in our city. I am currently working with my team to see how we can bring ideas from the community into fruition and leverage existing resources. Stay tuned for more updates! #generationsdg View Initiative
janvier 27, 2021 at 11:17
Sukanya Mukherjee a mis à jour le statut de Mental Health Colour
Please view my initiative on this website: Please visit and follow my page on Instagram at @mentalhealthcolour. Kindly share the initiative with your contacts and hopefully it will help and support individuals of all ages with valuable resources and mental health awareness. Thank you. View Initiative
janvier 25, 2021 at 10:31
Sukanya Mukherjee a ajouté une nouvelle image à sa galerie.
janvier 25, 2021 at 10:27
Displaying results 61-65 (of 202)
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@synapcity recently completed its pilot City Lab 2020 program (Feb 25 to Mar 31). Here are 4 Design Questions conceptualized within the 4 CityLab teams:💭1. Economic Development and Poverty: How might we incentivize economic development in established community hubs (physicial and digital) to increase community engagement and reduce poverty?💭2. Systemic Racism: How might we address systemic racism in the workplace at the City of Ottawa?💭3. Youth and Climate Change: How might we create processes and opportunities that broadly and inclusively engage, amplify and empower youth in addressing climate change and being part of climate change solutions?💭4. Food Security: How might we create food communities?🔰Synapcity’s City Lab is a 6-week experiential learning program bringing together students and residents from all walks of life. Participants learn how to become a more effective citymaker and collaborate with others to make a difference in our city. With opportunities to work both in big and small teams, participants use living Ottawa case studies to play with tools, strategies, and resources to advance a city issue.🔰Visit their website:

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Today ‪@unacanada‬ is showing appreciation for all ‪#healthcareworkers‬, ‪#nurses‬ and ‪#midwives‬ by celebrating ‪#WorldHealthDay! T‬ake time today to reflect on the importance of ‪#health‬ and the ‪#healthworkforces‬ working tirelessly in the global ‪#COVID19‬ response. ‪#HealthForAll‬For this year’s #WorldHealthDay @WHO is marking International Year of the #Nurse and the #Midwife! Nurses and Midwives provide essential care services and are continuing to do so during the current #COVID19 outbreak. THANK YOU for everything you do! #SupportNursesAndMidwives @unacanada invites you to share with us any stories of appreciation for #nurses, #midwives and other #healthcareworkers! Share with us the ways in which you are honouring the courage and resilience within your health care community. #SupportNursesAndMidwives #WorldHealthDay#generationsdg #sdgs

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Displaying results 25-26 (of 106)
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Quel est le meilleur moyen d’atteindre les ODD ?

Saviez-vous que ?
Plus de la moitié des enfants non scolarisés vivent en Afrique subsaharienne
Voix des jeunes
" Je veux travailler sur l’égalité entre les sexes, parce qu’en théorie, le Canada fait très bien, mais si vous regardez sur le terrain, il y a encore beaucoup de travail à faire"
"Plus il y aura une grande sensibilisation faite par les gens, mieux nous aurons de chances de succès"
"Ce n’est pas en 2030 qu’il faudra s’arrêter pour rendre le monde meilleur, ce sera le moment de réévaluer."
"Les objectifs sont tous compatibles ; cela dépend de votre point de vue."